2021-02-24T14:22:47.622+0900 I SHARDING [migrateThread] Starting receiving end of migration of chunk { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: -9198224573614459693 } for collection gom_logs.play_play_log_2021_02 from rs1 at epoch 6005a272e5558f5224c38c30 with session id rs1_rs3_6035e2a7d575bf31149b1212
2021-02-24T14:22:47.623+0900 I SHARDING [migrateThread] about to log metadata event into changelog: { _id: "ip-172-31-40-206.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal:20003-2021-02-24T14:22:47.623+0900-6035e2a7902a5836aebef646", server: "ip-172-31-40-206.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal:20003", shard: "rs3", clientAddr: "", time: new Date(1614144167623), what: "moveChunk.to", ns: "gom_logs.play_play_log_2021_02", details: { min: { _id: MinKey }, max: { _id: -9198224573614459693 }, to: "rs3", from: "rs1", note: "aborted" } }
2021-02-24T14:22:47.625+0900 I SHARDING [migrateThread] migrate failed: CannotCreateCollection: aborting, shard is missing 1 indexes and collection is not empty. Non-trivial index creation should be scheduled manually
어느날 몽고가 죽었다
확인 결과
play_play_log_2021_02쪽 콜렉션에 index가 안걸렸나봅니다
하나씩 서버에 들어가서 확인 했을땐 전부 잘 생성되어 있었으나
다시 인덱스를 걸어주니 싱크작업을 다시 시작했습니다
서버에 들어가
를 날려보니
8223개나 문제가 쌓여 있었나..
하나씩 밀린 작업을 처리하고 있었고
Lock도 하나씩 풀려가고 있었다..
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