migrate failed: CannotCreateCollection: aborting, shard is missing 1 indexes and collection is not empty. Non-trivial index creation should be scheduled manually 2021-02-24T14:22:47.622+0900 I SHARDING [migrateThread] Starting receiving end of migration of chunk { _id: MinKey } -> { _id: -9198224573614459693 } for collection gom_logs.play_play_log_2021_02 from rs1 at epoch 6005a272e5558f5224c38c30 with session id rs1_rs3_6035e2a7d575bf31149b1212 2021-02-24T14:22:47.623+0900 I SHARDING [migrateThread] about to log metadata event into changelog: { _id: "ip.. 2021. 2. 24. 이전 1 다음